Youth Ministries

Rev. Nick Perry

Youth Spirit Building Events Wednesday Nites
Our youth gather with the youth from another church for study and fun!
This is from Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025.



Farewell Aaron Featherman, Good and Faithful Servant!

Our youth bid farewell to Aaron Featherman this past Sunday.  They thanked him and celebrated his 37 years of leadership, guidance and friendship to our Youth!





Youth Event -Summer 2023

Every four years, youth from throughout The United Methodist Church have gathered for four days of discipleship, fun, and fellowship at the YOUTH event. The event is filled with interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service opportunities, and fellowship time. Adult leaders who bring youth to our event can expect inspiration, support, and chances to authentically experience what it means to be part of the Methodist and Wesleyan family.
YOUTH 2023 was a chance for the youth of our church to again experience cutting-edge speakers, amazing artists, and broaden their understanding of what they and our church are capable of!