S.P.A.R.K. Worship

Conversation & Casual Worship 




1st Saturday of the month: Speaking Spiritually  (Conversation Cafe)
Open Guided Conversations with a focus on The Word @ 4:30 with appetizers

This Saturday, Pastor Becky and Faith Otwell lead us in exploring Unity (Bishop Budde), Justice and Christian Nationalism.

Come in, get warm, get fed by the Holy Spirit.
Come for the Community, engage in the conversation, make a difference.
Child Care provided.




SPARK Worship 3rd Saturday day of the month
Casual Contemporary Worship (Living Room Church) @ 4:30 with meal immediately following

We meet in the Upper Room
All of these events are casual, and family inclusive- (child care provided)

We Celebrate our connection to  Reconciling Ministries Network - Check them out for more information on inclusivity and intersectionality 

We have new Fresh Expressions of Faith in the works: Stay tuned for updates!

If you'd like to learn more about Fresh Expressions of Faith: Fresh Expressions







Connect with us: 
SPARK Facebook
Text:‪ (716) 245-6613‬


Summer Pool Party Fun!






What is S.P.A.R.K?


SPARK (Seeking God/Progressive/Accepting/Respectful/Kindness)

A ministry in the making for ALL, whether just looking for a new fresh expression of your faith, or seeking Jesus.  S.P.A.R.K is a new movement of Methodism that seeks to connect in new ways that are grounded in Jesus, inclusion and Social Justice.  We meet twice monthly.

S.P.A.R.K Bible Study, Dinner & Worship

1st Saturday of the month:     4:30  Tending our souls -Bible  Study & Conversation

3rd Saturday day of the month:    4:30 Worship,  5:30 Dinner    All ARE WELCOME!    All Means All!

When does S.P.A.R.K. meet?    We meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month at 4:30 starting with a meal. The 1st Saturday of the month is snacks and a study/"Courageous Conversation."  The 3rd Saturday is dinner and worship in the Upper Room. 

When is S.P.A.R.K. Worship?    SPARK worship is the 3rd Saturday of every month, consisting of a modern worship format.

What is S.P.A.R.K. Worship like?   Worship includes music, praise and prayer, a message/Jesus talk, and experiential prayer stations.  We celebrate with top 40 Christian music along with a mix of contemporary songs from the last decade.  Worship is 45 minutes to an hour.

What should I wear?   Dress is informal, "come as you are comfortable."

What entrance do I use?   Our parking lot is on Landers Road, enter through the Garden entrance on the left side of the building.  

Where do I go from there?    From the Garden Entrance, you will turn right at the door and take the stairs up to the second landing.  Turn left and enter into our Upper Room.  There will also be signs and a friendly face to help direct you! 

Is there a nursery?   We do have child care available, and children are most welcome in the service.  Our staff is CPR trained.  

What if my Child needs me during the service?  One of our child care staff will come and get you, or bring your child to you.

What if I want to keep my child with me?  No problem!  Children are most welcome in the service.

Where do I sit?    There will be plenty of seats available, so sit where you're comfortable.

What should I do if I need to leave in the middle of the service?    Don't worry, you may get up and leave as you need to.

Have more questions?   If you are on Social Media, connect with us on Facebook or Instagram.  You can always send us an email at kumcoffice32@gmail.com or sparkministries.kumc@gmail.com or call the office at 716-875-5091.

Check out our Facebook page!


Follow us on Instagram- @spark_ministries1