Conversation & Casual Worship
1st Saturday of the month: Speaking Spiritually (Conversation Cafe)
Open Guided Conversations with a focus on The Word @ 4:30 with appetizers
Come in, get warm, get fed by the Holy Spirit.
This Saturday, 4:30 - 6:00.
Saturday 1/4/25: "What does a "VILE" follower of Jesus do in an age of extremism?"
Snacks, Music, Conversation.
Child Care provided.
SPARK Worship - 3rd Saturday day of the month
Casual Contemporary Worship (Living Room Church) @ 4:30 with meal immediately following
We meet in the Upper Room
All of these events are casual, and family inclusive- (child care provided)
We Celebrate our connection to Reconciling Ministries Network - Check them out for more information on inclusivity and intersectionality
We have new Fresh Expressions of Faith in the works: Stay tuned for updates!
If you'd like to learn more about Fresh Expressions of Faith: Fresh Expressions
Connect with us:
SPARK Facebook
Text: (716) 245-6613