What to Expect

Worship has been a hallmark at Kenmore since the building opened its doors in 1928. We have reopened our doors to in-person worship and invite you to join us on Sundays at 10:00 in our sanctuary or via our Livestream Worship Service on YouTube.
The opening prelude will help prepare you for worship. Our beautiful organ, keyboard and piano music accompanies our hymns and our chancel choir helps to enhance the worship experience September thru June. Music sometimes includes our Bells Choir, our children’s choir or special guest soloists or musicians.
A children’s message is given before the younger children may leave to attend Bible Times Sunday School or stay in the service. Scriptures are read by that Sundays liturgist and can be followed in the pew Bible or on the screen in the front of the sanctuary. Sermons are engaging and thought provoking. Crib and Toddler Care is available from 9:15 – 12:30 on Sundays for children 4 years and younger. Ask any usher for directions. Welcome Home! There is a place for you at Kenmore UMC!