Sue Meegan


Vagabonds is a group of folks who enjoy traveling with friends to local places of interest, performances, restaurants, and also on overnight trips. Everyone is welcome!  Please let Sue Meegan know if you would like to be on the email list. Information and registration forms for our up-coming trips can be found here or contact Sue Meegan:

Here's what's happening in 2025!

Vagabonds Trip to Kazoo Factory & Museum

Tuesday May 6, 2025

Vagabonds will be traveling to Eden NY for a guided tour of the Kazoo Factory & Museum on May 6, 2025. We had planned this trip back in April 2020 and it had to be cancelled because of COVID!! Following our visit, we will continue on for lunch in East Aurora on your own.
Transportation is by Niagara Scenic Tours. We will leave the church at 9:00 am and return around 4:30 pm. Please fill in the reservation form below and return to Jennifer in the church office of KUMC by April 15,

Kazoo Factory Trip Registration

Coca-Cola Barn & East Hill Creamery

July 31 Coca-Cola Barn & Museum tour, lunch at the Club at Silver Lake and a Tour of East Hill Creamery and tour of cheese factory - 

Click Here for the brochure






Dec. 3-5: "Christmas with the DuPonts" overnight trip to Wilmington, Del. including Longwood Gardens! 

Click Here for the Brochure         Click Here for the Reservation Form

            ELEUTHERIAN MILLS                                     NEMOURS ESTATE                                      NEMOURS at CHRISTMAS

                                        ' LONGWOOD GARDENS at CHRISTMAS"



Here's what's happening in 2026!

Feb. 2026: 10-day Cruise to Hawaii, Maui, Hilo, Kona, Kauai on Norwegian's Pride of America" - more info coming



Looking forward to traveling with you!

Your travel partner, Sue Meegan