Rev. Becky Naber
What is S.P.A.R.K?
A Different Kind Of Love! <--- Click
SPARK (Seeking God/Progressive/Accepting/Respectful/Kindness)
A Ministry in the making for GenZ/Millenials - singles, couples, young families. S.P.A.R.K (formerly Fresh Expressions) is a new movement of Methodism that seeks to connect in new ways that are grounded in Jesus, inclusion and Social Justice. We meet twice monthly.
BiMonthly Fellowship
Meets the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 4:30.
1st Saturday:
4:30 - Coffee & Conversation
Appetizers & Mocktails
Child care provided
Topic: Adaptive Ecclesiology
Bring a friend!
3rd Saturday: SPARK Worship Service
Join us for a meal and worship!
4:30 Praise and Worship
5:30 Community Meal open to all.
Child Care is provided.
Call the church office, 716-875-5091 for more information or watch this space!
Check out our Facebook page!
Pool Party Fun!
Dec 15 - 5:30 PM Community Meal, Worship @ 6:15
Dec 24 - SPARK Family Christmas Eve Service - 4PM
"Not So Silent Night"