
Thank you for visiting us!
We are a warm and caring faith community gathering to worship God and sharing the love of Jesus Christ through our friendship and service to our neighbors here and around the world. We are a Reconciling Ministries Network church and we welcome and care for ALL.
If you are considering a new place of worship or a relocation to our area, we would love to have you be our guest.
Kenmore UMC stands as a LIGHTHOUSE church. We have chosen to serve as a lighthouse for those seeking a safe harbor in this storm of disaffiliations.
We invite everyone who is currently a member of a local disaffiliating UM Congregation to come and find a safe, welcoming and nurturing home with us.
Kenmore United Methodist Church is a Christ-centered community of faith and love,
reaching out to all. We are affiliated with Reconciling Ministries Network,
welcoming people of all sexual orientations & gender identities.
For more information, please click here. More Information
When you visit our church, you will find:
- A caring congregation that will gladly welcome you
- Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God
- Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age
Join us for our Lenten Journey this season.
This week: "Paying Attention, Seeing Injustice"
Visit our Lenten page here: Lent at Kenmore UMC
Check out SPARK Worship: 1st and 3rd Saturdays each month.
More info: SPARK
Saturday, 4:30 - 6:00 - March 15, 2025
SPARK Ministries presents the CONVERSATION CAFE @ Kenmore UMC
This Saturday you’ll find us opening the table to chat about ? What do you want to talk about?
Let’s discover the ways this service spoke to you.
Come in, get warm, get fed by the Holy Spirit.
Snacks and Conversation.
Child Care provided.
KUMC Youth News
YOUTH FELLOWSHIP - Kenmore UMC is partnering with Williamsville United Methodist Church to
offer weekly youth fellowship for youth in Middlers & Senior High. Come join us for fun and fellowship
each Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:30 at Williamsville UMC (5681 Main Street, Williamsville). Fellowship is
led by Ray McCabe and Pastor Gregg Stierheim.
For more information, or if you would like a ride from Kenmore UMC to Williamsville, please contact Ray McCabe (716.697.2942)
or rnmccabe@gmail.com.
Kenmore Community Food Pantry News:
Current Needs:
Peanut Butter, Jelly, Cereal, Tuna Fish, Mac n Cheese, Pasta Sauce.
Click below to see the latest about the UMC & UMCOR:
UMC News
KUMC C.A.R.E Grief Support Group - Check out meeting dates & times KUMC C.A.R.E.S.
Have you experienced the death of a loved one? Losing a loved one can be an incredibly difficult
and isolating experience. Grief support group members benefit from sharing stories, experiences,
and receiving mutual support from others who have suffered a loss in similar circumstances.
Kenmore UMC PreSchool Information
Now accepting applications for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
Santa and His Elves Visited the Preschool!
Kenmore UMC Alzheimers/Dementia Caregivers Respite Program
Check out pictures from our Mothers Day Tea!
Respite Program
Vagabonds Announcements: Kazoo Factory in Eden!
Check out our Vagabonds Page.
Vagabonds will be traveling to Eden NY for a guided tour of the Kazoo Factory & Museum on May 6, 2025. And More!
Later this year.....
July 31 Coca-Cola Barn & Museum tour, lunch at the Club at Silver Lake and a Tour of East Hill Creamery tour of cheese factory - Brochure and Reservation form now available. Visit the Vagabonds page.
Dec. 3-5: "Christmas with the DuPonts" overnight trip to Wilmington, Del. including Longwood Gardens - Brochure and Reservation form now available!
Feb. 2026: 10-day Cruise to Hawaii, Maui, Hilo, Kona, Kauai on Norwegian's Pride of America" - more info coming
Prayer Requests
Did you know we have a Prayer Request page on this website? You can submit prayer requests through the website and /or you can see who is in need of prayer. Click on the Prayer Link in the top menu.
The Bishops Corner
Special Message from Bishop Héctor: The ongoing California wildfires:
Bishop Burgos-Nunez Message on Wildfires
Council of Bishops Article on the plight of Migrants, Immigrants, and Refugees
Plight of Migrants, Immigrants & Refugees
A Special Message from Bishop Hector Burgos-Nunez: Terrorist Attack in New Orleans
Terrorist Attack in New Orleans
An Advent message of Peace from Bishop Hector Burgos-Nunez.
Council of Bishops’ 2024 Advent and Christmas Message:
“But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for see, I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11)
Council of Bishops seek prayer following violence in Nigeria aimed at UMC
Message from Bishop Burgos on recent storms in Upper New York AC:
Check out our new Annual Conference/General Conference Page for all the new things in the United Methodist Church!
Get the latest under News. The March Lent Newsletter is now online.
Weekly Announcements - What's Going On At Kenmore UMC! Click Here